Dynadot 域名优惠码:.COM 注册 $5.99,转入 $7.99


Dynadot 目前有域名注册优惠码,使用优惠码之后注册 .COM 域名仅需 $5.99,而转入 .COM 域名也仅需 $7.99。前一阵子闹得沸沸扬扬的 .COM 域名涨价政策不知道怎么样了,反正趁着有便宜域名还是趁早注册或者续费。按照目前汇率来计算的话 $5.99 大概 42 块钱,还是很便宜的。

一、Dynadot 优惠详情
二、Dynadot 新用户优惠活动
三、Dynadot 活动详情

一、Dynadot 优惠详情

Get $5.99 .COM registrations with coupon MARCH599COM & $7.99 .COM transfers with coupon COMTRANS4!


  • 注册:MARCH599COM
  • 转移:COMTRANS4

Dynadot 注册域名教程:《Dynadot 网站注册账户、购买域名、支付宝付款、解析域名教程》。

域名转移教程(NameCheap 到 Dynadot):《NameCheap 域名转出并转入到 Dynadot 进行续费的教程》。

二、Dynadot 新用户优惠活动

目前 Dynadot 新用户注册账户会赠送 $5 账户余额,不过必须使用老唐的邀请码或者邀请链接进行注册。简单来说:通过我的邀请码或者邀请链接,注册一个 Dynadot 账户之后,消费满 $9.99,就会赠送你 $5 的账户余额。账户余额使用没有任何限制,就是白送的。

获取 $5 账户余额的方法有两种:

  1. 直接通过老唐的邀请链接注册:http://www.dynadot.com/?s9GL6y8F9V6u8c6h
  2. 注册时输入老唐的邀请码(在注册页面的“推荐好友”一栏填写):9GL6y8F9V6u8c6h

两种方法效果都是一样的,建议大家选择第一种方法,简单省事。具体可以参考《Dynadot 网站注册账户、购买域名、支付宝付款、解析域名教程》。

算上新用户赠送的 $5,注册个域名就仅需 $0.99 了,转移域名则仅需 $2.99。

三、Dynadot 活动详情



How do I take advantage of your March 2020 .COM exclusives?

.COM registrations

Dynadot is offering $5.99 .COM registrations all of March with coupon MARCH599COM! Please note this excludes re-registrations.

What is considered a re-registration?

When domains are released from the central registry back to the public for registration, there is a window where they qualify as re-registrations. Domains within the re-registration time frame are identified as domains previously registered, whereas domain names registered after the re-registration period are seen as brand new registrations (i.e. not previously registered). The re-registration window starts from the time the domain name is released and goes until 11:59 EST that same day.

So if you want to take advantage of the $5.99 .COM sale on a newly released domain, you would need to wait until the re-registration period has passed. Otherwise, feel free to register your heart out with the $5.99 coupon!

.COM transfers

In addition to our competitive .COM registration sale, we are also offering $7.99 .COM transfers with coupon COMTRANS4. No restrictions here, consolidate as many domains as you like before the sale ends!

When do the sales end?

Both the .COM registration and transfer sales are valid now and until March 31, 2020 23:59 PST.